Monday 15 September 2014

Recover from a DROP or TRUNCATE table by using RMAN

To recover from a dropped or truncated table, a dummy database (copy of primary) will be restored and recovered to point in time so the table can be exported.  Once the table export is complete, the table can be imported into the primary  database. This dummy database can be a subset of the primary database. However, the 'dummy' database must include the SYSTEM, UNDO (or ROLLBACK), and the  tablespace(s) where the dropped/truncated table resides.

How to Recreate The AWR( AUTOMATIC WORK LOAD ) Repository

The best way to deinstall/install AWR is as follows:
1. Disable AWR statistics gathering by setting the statistics level to basic as follows:
Check settings for parameters as follows:
sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba
show parameter cluster_database
show parameter statistics_level
show parameter sga_target

Standby MRP needs old log sequence even after restore of incremental backup at standby

At standby applied incremental backup but  MRP  process at standby is looking for very old sequence.

SQL>SELECT ARCH.THREAD# "Thread", ARCH.SEQUENCE# "Last Sequence Received", APPL.SEQUENCE# "Last Sequence Applied", (ARCH.SEQUENCE# - APPL.SEQUENCE#) "Difference" 

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